22 February The Two Sides of Value by Jacky Mueck Membership 0 0 Comment 562 BY CHUCK KASKY CEO of Maryland REALTORS® and host of the Association’s podcast, “Get Real Estate,” which is available through any podcast app. We talk a lot about value and recently distributed a video about Maryland REALTORS®’ Value Proposition. I hope you’ve had the opportunity to view it. If not, please follow this link to view it on YouTube. Our Value Proposition is the unique statement of the value we offer to our members. It differentiates why being a member is different than not being one. It’s the reason members pay their dues, invest in a class, or invest in new technology. It is a promise of what you will receive in exchange for your investment. We are committed to providing, among other things: Influential Advocacy in the legislative and regulatory processes. Tools like Statewide Forms and continuing education to enhance your business. The latest and most accurate industry information and guidance. As they say, if you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu. This statement couldn’t be truer when it comes to protecting our industry and homeownership and strengthening our communities. Maryland REALTORS® and its advocacy staff work hard to ensure your voice is heard, both in the Maryland General Assembly and at the Maryland Real Estate Commission. We work with elected officials to support legislation that positively impacts the community and combat legislation that adversely impacts your business. Also, we worked tirelessly to convince the Real Estate Commission to recognize virtual CE, not just during the pandemic, but permanently. Our Statewide Forms provide the tools our members rely on to conduct over 63,500 transactions each year. We also provide education, guidance on best practices, and professional development opportunities to enhance our members’ businesses. Our many communications channels reach members where they are. By some estimates, we have five generations of professionals in our industry, and we know what it takes to reach you. Whether it’s this magazine in hard copy or on our website; through video, podcast, or social media, we will curate the most timely, complete, and accurate information available and disseminate it to our members through all channels at our disposal. We will continue to provide practical guidance on the use of the many tools we offer. The sum of all this is our Value Proposition. The other type of value we need to keep front and center is how our members’ experience and expertise help home buyers and sellers realize their dreams of homeownership or transitioning from one living situation to the next one. For most Americans, purchasing real property is the largest transaction they will make in their lifetime. In buying real property, whether that’s a home, investment property, vacation home, etc., there are hundreds of thousands of dollars on the line. These purchases are anything but routine. They are high stakes and complex. It’s no wonder that 89% of Americans choose to work with a REALTOR® to represent them in such transactions. Most people want trusted, professional experts to guide them through the most significant financial decision of their lives. Buyer representation has enduring value. In fact, more buyers use a REALTOR® now than 20 years ago. The explosive growth of information has not, as predicted, resulted in fewer buyers choosing representation. Prospective buyers are easily overwhelmed by the volume of information and complexity of the process and have come to realize that professional assistance is crucial to the overall success of their transaction. For sellers, a great agent is a jack of all trades. We help sellers prepare their home for sale, set a price, determine a marketing strategy, and guide the negotiations with buyers. A listing agent will know how to maximize your property value, so sellers receive top dollar for their home. They’ll be able to identify which improvements the seller should make to the home to increase the amount it sells for. They may also recommend service providers like inspectors, contractors, painters, landscapers, stagers, etc. We will continue to monitor industry trends, especially any that may be forthcoming as a result of the numerous lawsuits around the country. No matter what happens, Maryland REALTORS® will continue to offer value to our members and our members will always provide value to consumers. We will adjust our practices, if necessary, but we will never shy away from being proud of the work we do or apologize for earning a living doing what we love. Watch the Maryland REALTORS® Value Proposition here. CEO Corner, FM24, Value, Value Proposition Share Comments are closed.