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When We Work Together, Everybody Wins

Cheryl Abrams Davis 
Maryland REALTORS®’ 2025 President

When you work within a good, collaborative, professional environment, things get done. People know and understand their roles and how they affect change in their spheres. The unique expertise of each individual adds to the success of shared efforts. Everyone involved gains a sense of satisfaction and excitement—at their roles, at the shared success, at the opportunities and possibilities this same collaborative team will face next.

This encapsulates perfectly the shared sentiment of your Maryland REALTORS® leadership team.  Each year, a new leadership team takes the helm of this association. Some assume new positions, while newly elected members are welcomed to the fold. We then work together to improve the real estate profession in Maryland for its members, consumers, and other stakeholders. We work as a team for our members.

I want to take a moment to thank Chris Hill, now our Immediate Former President, for his leadership through some of our most challenging times. Trying as it was, one only needs to look back at all the things we accomplished to make your professional lives more manageable as the industry adjusts to the “now normal,” given the constant state of flux within our industry. Thank you, Chris, for steering us through these challenges. The successes we’ve enjoyed—new “best practices” to guide REALTORS® in their work, a renewed focus on the consumer, our advocacy successes—were a result of this collaborative spirit.

As your President, as a REALTOR®, and as an Associate Broker, I want to encourage all members to adopt this same collaborative spirit in your work environment, if you haven’t already. While we’re better equipped than ever to take on the challenges thrown at us, there’s still a lot coming our way. Contracts have changed. Compensation is now front and center. All of us are focusing on how we bring value to our clients’ needs.

REALTORS®, Brokers, Office Managers, and other support staff need to recognize the nature of each unique role within an organization. Working together, the team can then commit to excellence with every showing, offer, and closing.

I encourage you to take this collaborative spirit further. Develop answers to tough questions together. Take everyone’s unique expertise to find solutions and answers before an offer is submitted. Adopt professional practices that bring your work in compliance with state and federal law, as well as our REALTOR® Code of Conduct. Working together, stamp out “loopholes” that could subvert these laws and rules and potentially bring additional and unnecessary harm to this industry. Revisit your business plan.  Develop systems and processes collaboratively to ensure agents have the right forms, filled out in a correct manner, to meet compliance standards.

These are just a few suggestions to encourage collaboration amongst your team.

While we don’t know what the future will hold, we can be assured of more change. By working collaboratively as a team now, you’ll be better prepared for however the road ahead twists and turns tomorrow. 

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